Industrial Safety
Ilsky Oil Refinery (KNGK-INPZ), the youngest refinery in the south of Russia, is a dynamically developing and perspective oil refinery in the Krasnodar Territory. The refinery’s development is based on modern technological processes that help to minimize the risks of accidents at work and professional sickness statistics.
Management of technological processes and safety operation are set in motion by modern automated means of control which allow to limit the time spent by workers in hazardous areas, thereby reducing the risk for both the employees of the Refinery and for the population of the surrounding territory.
The management of the Refinery has developed an industrial safety management system to comply with the requirements of the decree of the Government “On requirements for documentation support for industrial safety management systems” and Federal Law No. 116-ФЗ for hazardous production facilities of 1st and 2nd categories. The system includes: Statement of industrial safety policy, approved by the refinery’s management, industrial safety goals, as well as local regulatory documents.
In accordance with the schedule, specialists of Ilsky Oil Refinery make industrial safety check-ups of technological equipment, buildings and structures, as well as hazardous production facilities. The refinery has developed a number of action plans for localizing emergencies and holds regular trainings with personnel.
The operation work of Ilsky Oil Refinery is under permanent control of process personnel.
Occupational Safety & Health
The management of KNGK-INPZ pays special attention to OSH management system and believes it is a necessary element of effective operations and occupational risk management, ensuring safe working conditions, preserving the life and health of every worker, and eliminating any risks of accidents and occupational diseases at work as this is a key priority in the development of the company.
Thereby, the OSH management system is based on Health and Safety Policy, established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Special assessment of working environment
In 2017 Ilsky Oil Refinery conducted a scheduled assessment of working environment to identify harmful and dangerous factors of the environment and labor processes and to comply with the requirements of the Federal Law as of December 28, 2013 No 426-ФЗ “On the special assessment of working environment”.