The oil refinery that previously operated on the site of the present-day Ilsky Oil Refinery was founded by the Azov and Black Sea Federal Office for Road Construction in 1980. The company initially specialized in the production of road and construction bitumen. Later, the technology of the production of roofing bitumen was developed.
In 2001, the company management made a decision to reshape the business and construct a heavy oil processing unit that would use local raw materials to produce fuel oil and bitumen. In the year 2002, the bitumen unit was reconstructed into the AT-1 atmospheric distillation unit with the capacity of 35 thousand tons per year. In 2006, it was subject to further reconstruction that made it possible to increase its capacity up to 90 thousand tons of oil per year, while a new concept of refinery development focused primary processing of raw materials and refined products export.
The construction of three more processing units – AT-2 (2007), AT-3 (2009), AT-4 (2010) – allowed the plant to increase its total capacity to 1.1 million tons of oil per year. The company created all the necessary infrastructure, such as tank farms with the volume of 75 thousand cubic meters, a railway overpass for oil discharge and oil products loading, an automobile overpass for oil products loading; modernized the waste treatment facilities; laid service lines and automobile roads, etc.
In 2013, the company completed the construction of AT-5 unit designed to process sweet crude as well as its mixture with sour oil of Urals. The total capacity of Ilsky Oil Refinery reached 2.2 million tons per year. Over the period 2015 to 2016, it increased to 3 million tons per year.
In the year 2016, the company built a custody transfer unit and a trunk oil pipeline offshoot with the connection to the Transneft oil pipeline system, which ensures the supply of 1.5 million tons of low-sulfur oil per year. The official opening ceremony was honoured by the Governor of Krasnodar Region Veniamin Kondratyev.